Cops: Little "Coco," a 7-year-old Chihuahua, sics woman's attacker, saves the day

You can call "Coco" anything you wish, just not an underdog.

A man sneaked up on a woman from behind at a Gainesville apartment complex, hit her on the head with a glass bottle and demanded money, cops said, reports The Gainesville Sun.

The robber probably thought the little dog, Coco, a 7-year-old Chihuahua that the woman was walking, presented no threat to him.

But Coco rose to the occasion and took a bite out of crime: she sank her little itty bitty teeth into the man's leg, causing him to hightail it to some nearby woods, according to the report.

Good doggie! Every dog has its day.

Get the DUHtails at The Gainesville Sun.

Photo: This is not Coco, but it is a photo of Cindy, an 8-year-old Chihuahua / Michael Laughlin, Sun Sentinel

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