Honolulu City Council deferred bill requiring fire sprinklers in - Honolulu, Hawaii news, sports & weather

Honolulu City Council deferred a bill requiring older high-rises to install fire sprinkler systems

After the 7-alarm fire that killed four people inside Honolulu's Marco Polo building-- many owners took a closer look at their building's safety features.

"Some are more vulnerable than others, and that's what we've always been saying, you know, one size does not fit all," said Jane Sugimura, President of the Hawaii Association of Apartment Owners.  

For some, walking through the dark halls of the 26th floor is a haunting reminder of a long held belief at Honolulu Fire Department.

"Without a doubt if there were sprinklers in this apartment building, the fire would be contained in to the unit of origin," said Chief Manuel Neves, of Honolulu Fire Department

Fire officials say sprinklers save lives, but the Hawaii Association of Apartment Owners says-- not all buildings are built the same way.. 

"I will tell you right now that nobody has sprinklers in their budget and reserves, nobody," said Sugimura.  

Retrofitting buildings could cost millions in some cases, but the National Fire Protection Association said in testimony-- "It is all the more necessary for residential occupancies to have the protection of fire sprinklers since about 80% of fire fatalities in the U.S. happen in residences."

"Any bill that comes out would have to take into account financing options for the condo owners, because it is a very expensive proposition," said Sugimura. 

The Hawaii Association of Apartment Owners wants Honolulu's Fire Safety Advisory Committee to finish its work and present its recommendations before any bill moves forward

"It sets up criteria that will allow for the fire department to assess the risk," said Sugimura. 

Honolulu Fire Department says the next Fire Safety Advisory Committee meeting takes place on September 8th.


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